Tuesday, August 09, 2005

...they came in through the coax cable

so on about the 28th of july there was a beautiful thunder and lightning showcase here in the cary, nc area. me and bekah killed all of the lights and opened the blinds on the huge window in our living room. our dogs grabbed a front row seat on the pillows by the window, and the four of us listened and watched the flashes outside of our apartment window. the next morning i couldn't get online...figured the storm must have caused problems at the power company, i had no clue the problem was much more local. ok no internet no big deal, i'll play some xbox...but wait in won't turn on...neither will the dvd player...whats going on here?
the end result lightning coming in through the coax line, runs through the tv/rca cables/into the xbox and dvd player/no more games or movies/through the cable modem into our mac mini/no more internet
$35 new dvd player from target
$400 in repairs to the mac mini under warrenty/including a new power board/aka all pics and music and files..lost
xbox still pending, know anyone selling a used one? if not i'll wait for the 360


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